Thursday, July 13, 2023



It is a sign in the kitchens on the televised show, The Bear, and a theme by which the entire restaurant staff is reminded to operate. Start to finish, seconds can alter any stage of providing an exceptional dining experience to guests. 

It struck me that the same could be said of this production getting scenes to the viewer. In this beautifully scripted and tremendously acted series, they have made every second count. Each are powerful. They may be a second's worth of a glance that warns or a smile that warms. A second might produce a single word, such as fuck, of which there are very many within each forty minutes, sometimes whispered under one's breath, often screamed loudly.

The show is a non-stop, jam-packed thrill. Costly accidents happen in seconds. Hearts are broken and hearts are healed in seconds. So much can happen and does happen that I often find myself holding my breath for several seconds at a time.

The Bear
Written by Kelly Galuska/Directed by Christopher Storer
Seasons, One and Two

Monday, July 10, 2023


I missed those gardenias and those times she would pass me in the house and I would catch the sweet smelling passage of her, that irresistible tonic of perfume she carried with her, attractive to bees and worshipful sons.

Prince of Tides
Pat Conroy