Wednesday, September 29, 2010

that was then...

Nick played bass guitar.  He was handsomely dark and wore long, loose, white gauze shirts.  I thought he was groovy. 

Fixing a Hole was my favorite of the songs they played, so much that I still think of their band, not the Beatles, whenever I hear it. 

I was a groupie.

Every weekend, I'd be at the Jolly Ox, a Nashville steak house, testing my newly acquired, legal-drinking-status, until last call and Nick's last set. Three of us would pile into his MG, me sitting on the lap of the drummer.  Young and carefree, unaware I was on a ride I'd remember for decades.

Here I am, a groupie again.  I've recently discovered Andrea Dawson and Lucky Peterson. 

(Yeah, let's talk about who's lucky.....)

I'm following them to Zander's Thursday night for more R and B favorites.  I hear they've a sax player joining them.   Far out!

Hope to see you there....


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