Thursday, August 2, 2012

this little piggy

A most unusual gift is this piglet, given to me by a good friend.  He's not like the pot-bellied pig Elizabeth raised which she eventually gave to a good home because his rooting required constant repainting of her home's walls.  

No, this pig is to be eaten! 

He lives at Corley's, a small, commercial farm which raises, butchers, and stores the pork product for clients.  Here's how they operate...  Piglets are purchased by individuals, their ears tagged for proof of ownership.  They're raised on the farm where buyers can visit six days a week.  Like other owners, I will watch my pig grow fatter and fatter until he is deemed ready for the slaughterhouse.

Corley's has warehouse-size freezers and your meat is stored for you, included in the purchase price since a home freezer cannot hold an entire pig.  Your section, tagged to match your pig, remains locked, much like a safe deposit box. 

There's a small portion of the meat locker open to the public, sales similar to retail markets.  It is stocked with cuts which have been forfeited; a requirement if one moves or has to leave the farm program for any reason although ownership of live pigs already purchased, may be transferred to another person. 


I tried to wrap my mind around the concept and recall details as I entered the kitchen for that first cup of coffee.  I needed caffine!   I needed to clear the fog from my dream! 

"Morning," I said to our cement pig and gave his chin a rub.  Pig sits in a corner to the left of the cooktop, ears alert and a happy smile always on his face. 

It was that smile that caught my eye on the warm and sunny day I spotted him at the nursery sitting among the annuals.  I felt an urge to purchase him, to claim ownership and keep him safe in our meatless kitchen.  

Pig's been smiling ever since. 

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